Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Reference PS

PS 1                 Philosophy and Anthroposophy                                                

                        1 lecture, Stuttgart, 17 August, 1908
                        Goetheanum Series No. 8
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London &
                        Anthroposophical Press, New York, 1929
                        & Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1988
                        ISBN 0-936132094-9
                        GA 35

PS 1A               Preparing for the Sixth Epoch                                                
                        1 lecture, Dusseldorf, 15 June, 1915
                        [also as: How Anthroposophical Groups Prepare
                        for the Sixth Epoch (HS 2C)]
                        The Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1976
                        & 1979
                        GA 159

PS 2                 Practical Training in Thought                                                                        
                        1 lecture, Karlsruhe, 18 January, 1909
                        [also in: Anthroposophy in Everyday Life –
                        Practical Training in Thought; Overcoming
                        Nervousness; Facing Karma; The Four
                        Temperaments (AS 32)]
                        [also in: Self-transformation (SS 39)]
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London &
                        Anthroposophical Press, New York, 1928 &
                        The Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1974
                        ISBN 910142-29-7
                        GA 108

PS 3                 Prophecy: Its Nature and Meaning                                                            
                        1 lecture, Berlin, 9 November, 1911
                        Translated by D. S. Osmond from unrevised shorthand reports
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1950
                        GA 61

PS 4                 Prayer                                                                                                            
                        1 lecture, Berlin, 17 February, 1910
                        Translated by Henry B. Monges
                        The Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1966
                        & revised by Gilbert Church,
                        The Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1977
                        GA 58

PS 5                 Prayers for Mothers and Children                                                
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London
                        & Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1943

PS 5A              Prayers for Mother and Children                                                            
                        Second and third edition, enlarged
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1969

PS 5B             Prayers for Parents and Children                                                
                        1 lecture, Dornach, 2 February, 1915 with
                        Prayers translated by Eileen V. Hershey &
                        revised by Christian von Armin
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1983/1988/1995

PS 6                Pre-earthly Deeds of Christ –                                                            
                        or the Christ Impulse in the Essence of Time
                        and its Sovereignty in Mankind
                        1 lecture, Pforzheiim, 7 March, 1914
                        [refer: The Four Sacrifices of Christ (FS 3A)]
                        H. Collison, 27 Clareville Grove, London, N.D.G. &
                        Steiner Book Centre, Inc., North Vancouver, 1976
                        ISBN 0-919924-01-8
                        GA 152

PS 7                 Problems of our Time                                                                  
                        4 lectures, Berlin, 12, 13, 14, 15 September, 1919
                        [the lecture of 13 September, 1919 also in:
                        Guardian Angelss – Connecting with our Spiritual Guides
                        and helpers (GS 12)]
                        [the lecture of 15 September,1919, also as:
                        New Aspects of the Social Question (NS 2)]
                        The Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company London, &
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1943
                         GA 193
PS 8                 Path to Knowledge of Higher Worlds                                                
                        1 lecture, Christiania, 26 November, 1921
                        [also in: Self-consciousness and the Spiritual Human
                        Being (SS 20A)]
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company London, 1947 &
                        Steiner Book Centre, Toronto, 1970
                        GA 79
PS 9                 Problems of Nutrition                                                                        
                        1 lecture, Munich, 8 January, 1909
                        Translated by Maria St. Gar
                        [also in: Nutrition and Stimulants (NS 7)]
                        Anthroposophic Press Inc., New York,  1969 & 1978
                        GA 68

PS 10               Paths of Experiences                                                                        
                        8 lectures, Berlin, 14 October, 11 November,
                        2, 9 December, 1909, 3, 10, 17 February, 11 March,
                        [part of the series: Metamorphoses of the Soul (MS 11J);
                        Paths of Experience (PS 10); Turning Points in Spiritual
                        History (TS 11)]
                        [the lecture of 17 February, 1910 also as: Prayer (PS 4)]
                        [the lecture of 2 December, 1909 also in: From Buddha
                        to Christ (FS !A)]
                        [also in: Metamorphoses of the Soul – Paths of Experience
                        (Volumes l & ll) (MS 11K/L)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing company, London, 1934
                        GA 58

                        The Pentecost of the World
                        [see: Three Lectures on Easter and Pentecost:
                        Thoughts on Easter; The Mystery of the Pentecost –
                        in its Relationship to the Ascension; The Pentecost
                        of the World (TS 5)]

                        The Pforzheim Lecture
                        [see: Pre-earthly Deeds of Christ – or, the Christ
                        Impulse in the Essence of Time and its Sovereignty
                        in Mankind: The Pforzheim Lecture (PS 6)]
                        GA 152

                        The Phenomenon of Metamorphosis in Life
                        [see: Memory and Habit – the Sense for Truth;
                        The Phenomenon of Metamorphosis in Life (MS 2)]

PS 11              The Psychological Foundations of Anthroposophy -
                        Its Standpoint in Relation to the Theory of
                        1 lecture, Bologna, 8 April, 1911
                        Fourth International Philosophical Congress
                        [also in: Esoteric Development (SS 10A)]
                        [also as: Seeing with the soul – the Foundation and
                        Scientific Validity of Anthroposophy (SS 42)]
                        GA 35

PS 11K             Planetary Spheres and their Influence on Man’s                                    
                        Life on Earth and in Spiritual Worlds
                        6 lectures, London, 24 April, Oxford, 22 August,
                        London, 30 August, 12, 16, 19 November, 1922
                        Translated by George and Mary Adams
                        [the lectures of 22, 30 August, 1922 also in: The
                        Mystery of the Trinity and the Mission of the Spirit (MS 11A)]
                        [30 August, 1922 also in: Descent of the Spirit; Gaining
                        a Relationship to the Dead through the Language of the
                         Heart; Man as an Image of spiritual Beings and Spiritual
                        Activities on Earth (DS 8)]
                        [also as: Man’s Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World
                        (MS 19A)]
                        [refer: Man and the World of the Stars; The Spiritual
                        Communion of Mankind (MS 18)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1982
                        ISBN 85440 392 2 (pbk)
                        GA 214, GA 218

PS 12               Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
                        5 lectures, Dornach, 10, 11 November, 1917
                        Munich, 25, 27 February, 1912, Dornach, 7 July, 1921
                        GA 178, GA 143 & GA 205
                        Translated by May Laird-Brown,
                        Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York & Rudolf Steiner
                        Publishing Company, 1946
                        GA 178

                        Pneumatosophy: Finding and Formulating the Cosmic
                        in In-breathing and Out-breathing
                        [see: Finding and Formulating the Cosmic in
                        In-breathing and Out-breathing (Pneumatosophy series)           

                        (FS 27)]

                        Pneumatosophy: Riddles of the Inner Human Being –
                        the Approach of the Michael Force
                        [see: Riddles of the Inner human Being – the Approach of
                        the Michael Force (Pneumatosophy series) (RS 15)]

                        The Philosophy of Freedom
                        See under various titles and editions
                        [also as: Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path (IS 13)]
                        [also as: The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (PS 13/13C/14)]
                        [refer: Truth and Knowledge (TS 31)]

PS 13              The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (Freedom) –                                    
                        a Modern Philosophy of Life Developed by
                        Scientific Method ( together with the original thesis
                        on ‘Truth and Science’)
                        Based on translation by Prof. & Mrs. R. F. Alfred Hoernle,
                        Revised and amended by Herbert Poppelbaum
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London, 1949
                        GA 4

PS 13A            The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity                                                
                        Translated by Rita Stebbing
                        Edited Joan Thompson
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, 1992
                        ISBN 1 85584 001 4 (pbk)
                        GA 4

PS 13B            The Philosophy of Freedom                                                            
                        Translated by Michael Wilson with introduction
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1964 &1970
                        SBN 8540 090 7 (hbk)
                        SBN 85440 224 1 (pbk)
                        GA 4

PS 13C             The Philosophy of Freedom
                        (Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path)
                        Translated by Michael Lipson
                        Introduction by Gertrude Reif Hughes           
                        Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, New York, 1995
                        ISBN 0 88010 385 X (pbk)
                        GA 4

PS 14A             Practical Advice to Teachers                                                            
                        14 lectures, Stuttgart, 21 August – 5 September
                        Translated by Johanna Collis
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London & Anthroposophic Press,
                        New York, 1976
PS 15               Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind                                                
                        West and East; Materialism and Mysticism;
                        Knowledge and Belief
                        11 lectures, Stuttgart, 5, 7, 9 March, 13, 24 June,
                        25, 30 July, 21 September, 8, 14, 22 November, 1920
                        [refer: East, West and Middle in Relation to the
                        Threefold Social Organism – Ancient Ghosts and
                        Modern spectres; Eastern and Western World
                        Contrasts (ES 19)]
                        [refer: The Tension between East and West (TS 14)/
                        West and East – Contrasting  & Anthroposophic Press
New York, 1987
ISBN  855440 5461 RSP cloth
GA 197

PS 16               The Principle of Spiritual Economy – in                                                
                        Connection with Questions of Re-Incarnation -
                        an Aspect of the spiritual Guidance of Man
                        11 lectures, Heidelberg, 21 January, Berlin, 15 February,
                        Munich, 7 March Rome, 29, 31 March, Malsch, 6 April,
                        Cologne, 10, 11 April, Oslo, 16 May, Berlin, 25 May,
                        Budapest, 31 May, 1909
                        Translated and introduced by Peter Mollenhauer
                        [the lecture of 15 February, 1909, also as: Christianity in the
                        Evolution of Mankind – Leading Individuals and Avatar
                        Beings (CS 22)/Christianity in Human Evolution – Studies
                        in the spiritual Scientific Knowledge of Man]
                        [the lectures of 10, 11 April, 1909, also in:
                        The Festivals and Their Meaning ll: Easter (FS 12) & in:
                        Festivals of the Seasons (FS 26)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London & Anthroposophic Press, New York
                        ISBN 0 88010 163 6 & ISBN 0 88010 162 8 (pbk)
                        GA 109

                        A Page from the History of the Mysteries
                        [see: The Festival of Easter – a Page from the
                        History of the Mysteries (FS 10)]

                        The Palladium
                        [see: The Sun Mystery in the Course of Human History –
                        the Palladium (SS 16)]

                        The Participation of the Etheric Christ in Earthly
                        [see: The Etherisation of the Blood - The Participation
                        of the Etheric Christ in Earthly Evolution (ES 9)]

PS 17               Pastoral Medicine: the Collegial Working of                        
                        Doctors and Priests
                        11 lectures, Dornach 8 – 18 September, 1924
                        GA 318

                        Pathology Underlying Therapy
                        [see: The Invisible Man within Us – Pathology
                        Underlying Therapy (IS 20)]

PS 18               Physiology and Therapeutics                                                            
                        4 lectures, 7 – 9 October, 1920
                        Translated by Alice Wulsin and Gerard Karnow
                        Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1986
                        ISBN 0 936132 79 5

PS 19               Polarities in Health, Illness and Therapy                                                
                        I lecture, Pennmenmawr, 28 August, 1923
                        Translated by Gerard Karnow, edited by Martha Bosch
                        Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1987
                        ISBN 0 936132 90 6
                        GA 319

                        The Position of the Anti-Christ to Christ
                        [See: Cosmic and Human Ego – the Nature of Christ
                        The Resurrected (C2 3A)]

PS 21               The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path                                    
                        7 lectures, Berlin, 18 April, 12 May, Basle,5 May, Paris,
                        25, 26 May, Prague, 17 April, Berlin,26 April, 1914
                        Translated by Christian von Arnim and edited by
                        Johann Reuter
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1985
                        ISBN  0 88010 282 9
                        GA 154

PS 22               Psychoanalysis and Spiritual Psychology                                    
                        5 lectures, Munich, 25, 27 February, 1912
                        Dornach, 10, 11 November, 1917, July, 1921
                        [lecture of 2 July, 1921 also in: Therapeutic
                        Insights: Earthly and Cosmic Laws (TS 14K)]
                        (see also: Psychoanalysis in the Light of
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1990
                        ISBN 0 88010 290 X 
                       GA 143, GA 178, GA 205           

                        Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
                        5 lectures, Munich, 25, 27 February, 1912
                        Dornach, 10, 11 November, 1917, 2 July, 1921
                        Translated by May Laird Brown, revised by
                        Sabine H. Seiler
                        [see also as: Psychoanalysis in the Light of
Anthroposophy (PS 22)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London, 1946
                         As above

PS 23               The Meaning and the Poetry of Fairy Tales                                    
                        2 lectures, Berlin, 26 December, 1908, 6 February
                        Prepared and edited by Ruth Pusch
                        [lecture of 26 December, 1908 also as: The
                        Interpretation of Fairy Tales (IS 1)]
                        Mercury Press, spring Valley, New York, 1989
                        ISBN 0 929979 05 2
                        GA 108

PS 24               Poetry and the Art of Speech                                                            
                        4 lectures, Dornach, 29 September, 6, 13 October, 1920,
6 April, 1921, 3 lectures, Vienna, 7 June, Darmstadt, 30 July,
1922, Stuttgart, 29 March, 1923
                        With Maria Steiner Von Sivers
                        Translated by Julia Wedgwood and Andrew Welburn
                        [refer: Creative Speech – the Nature of Speech
                        Formation (CS 16A)]
                        [refer: Speech and Drama (SS 19)]
                        London School of Speech Formation, Rudolf Steiner
 House, London, 1981
                        GA 281

PS 25                Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion                                
                        10 lectures, Dornach, 6 – 15 September, 1922
                        Translated by Lisa D. Monges and Doris M. Bugbey
                        Revised by Maria St. Goar and edited by Stewart
C. Easton
[also as: Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy (CS 7)]
(also known as: The French Course)
                        GA 215

PS 26               The Psychology of Body, Soul and Spirit –                                    
                        Anthroposophy, Psychosophy and Pneumatosophy
                        12 lectures, Berlin, 22 – 27 October, 1909,
                        1 – 4 November, 1910, 12- 16 December, 1912
                        Translated by Marjorie Spock
                        Introduction by Robert Sardello
                        [also as: The Wisdom of Man, of the Soul and of the
                        Spirit – anthroposophy, Psychosophy and
                        Pneumatosophy (WS 8A)]
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1999
                        ISBN 0 88010 397 3 (pbk)
                         GA 115

PS 27               The Psychology of the Arts                                                                        
                        1 lecture, Dornach, 9 April 1921
                        GA 281