Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Reference TS-VS


TS 1                 Truth, Beauty and Goodness                                                                        
                        (Goetheanum Series No. 1)
                        1 lecture, Dornach, 19 January, 1923
                        [also in: Art in the Light of Mystery Wisdom (AS 11)]
                        [also in: Art as a Spiritual Activity – Rudolf Steiner’s
                        Contribution to the visual Arts 9AS 36)]
                        [also in: Fall and Redemption (FS 28)]
                        St. George Publications, Spring Valley, New York, 1986
                        ISBN 0 916786 86 2
                        GA 220

TS 2                 The Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science                                                
                        Lecture, Stuttgart, 13 November, 1909
                        Translation by Dorothy S. Osmond
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1960
                        GA 117

TS 3                  The True Nature of the Second Coming              
                        (Esoteric Studies Series)
                         2 lectures, Karlsruhe, 25 January, Stuttgart, 6 March,
                        Translated by Dorothy s. Osmond and Charles Davy
                        [also in: The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric (RS 6B)]
                        [also in: The Vision of Christ’s Advent in the Etheric (VS 2)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1971
                        ISBN 0 85440 246 2
                        GA 118

TS 4                 The Temple is – Man!                                       
                        1 lecture, on the occasion of the first General Meeting
                        of the Johannesbau-Verein, Berlin, 12 December, 1911                                 
                        Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond
                        Anthroposophical Company, London, 1951

TS 5                 Three Lectures on Easter and Pentecost                                                
                        Dornach, 27 March, 1921, 7, 17 May 1923
                        Translation with permission of H. Collison
                        H. Collison, 27 Clareville Grove, London, 1932
                        GA 203, GA 224, GA 226

TS 6                 The Threefold State: The True Aspect of the
                        Social Question
                        Authorised English translation with foreword by
                        the translators
                        [also as: The Threefold Commonwealth (TS 8)]
                        (also as: The Threefold Social Order)
                        [also as: Towards Social Renewal – basic issues of the
                        Social question (TS 6A)
                        George, Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, 1920
                         GA 23

TS 6A               Towards Social Renewal – the Basic Issue of the Social
                        Question: To the German People and the Civilised World
                        (with an Appendix).
                        [the appendix only, also in: The Renewal of the Social
                        Organism (RS 5B)]
                        [also as: The Threefold Commonwealth (TS 8)]
                        (also as: The Threefold Social Order)
                        [also as: The Threefold State – the True Aspect of the
                        Social Question (TS 6A)]
                        GA 23

TS 7                 The Threshold of the Spiritual World                                                            
                        Revised by M. Cotterell
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1956

TS 8                 The Threefold Commonwealth                                                                                  
                        including reprint of ‘Spiritual Life, Civil Rights and
                        Industrial Economy’ (Hibbert Journal, July, 1921)
                        (also as: The Threefold Social Order)
                        [also as: Threefold State – the true aspect of the
                        Social question (TS 6)]
                        [also as: Towards Social Renewal – the basic issues of
                        social questions (TS 6A))
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1923
                       GA 23
TS 8A               The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount                        
                        2 lectures, Berlin, 16 November, 1908, Munich, 15 March,
                        Translated by Frieda Solomon and Mel Belenson
                        [lecture of 15 March, 1910 also in: The Reappearance
                        of Christ in the Etheric (RS 6B)]
Anthroposophic Press Inc, Spring Valley, New York, 1978
                        ISBN 0 910142 79 3
                        GA 107

TS 9                 Theosophy – an introduction to the supersensible                                    
                        knowledge of the world and the destination of man
                        Revised by M. Cotterell and A.P Shepherd
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1970
                        ISBN 085440 270 5 (pbk)
                        Translated by Henry B. Monges and revised by
Gilbert Church
Anthropsophic Press Inc., Spring Valley, New York, 1971
                        ISBN 088010 179 2 &
                        Translated by Catherine Creeger
                        Introduction by Michael Holdrege
                        Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, New York, 1994
                        ISBN 0 88010 373 6
                        GA 9

TS 9A               Theosophie – Einfuhrung in Ubersinnliche Welterkenntis                        
                        Und Menshcenbestimmung
                        Verlag Freies Geistenleben Stuttgart, 1962

TS 9B              The Temple Legend (and the Golden Legend):                                                
                        Freemasonry and Related Movements
                        20 lectures given between 23 May, 1904 and 2 January
Translated by John M. Wood
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1997
ISBN 11 8854 041 3
GA 93

TS 10                Three Essays on Haeckel and Karma                                                            
                        Editor Max Gyst
                        The Theosophical Publishing Society, London, 1914
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1985
ISBN 0 85440 780 (hbk) &  2002
                        ISBN  1 85584 041 3

Transactions of the Second Annual Congress
                        of the Federation of European Sections of the
                        Theosophical Society (London, July, 1905)
                        First edition, Council of the Federation, London, 1907
                        (contains: “The Occult Basis of Goethe’s Work’,
                        an address, London, 10 July, 1905)
                        [Dr Steiner’s address only, also as: The spiritual
                        Scientific Basis of Goethe’s work (SS 17N)]

                        The Transactions  of the Third Annual Congress of
                        of the Federation of European Sections of the
                        Theosophical Society (Paris, July, 1906)
                        First edition only, Council of the Federation, London, 1907
                        (contains: “Theosophy in Germany a Hundred Years Ago’,
                        a lecture, 4June, 1906)
                        Transformation of Earthly Forces into Clairvoyance
                        [see: Links between the Living and the Dead –
                        Transformation of Earthly Forces into Clairvoyance
                        (LS 3A)]

                        The Tree of the Cross and the Golden Legend
                        (see: the Christmas Thought and the Mystery of the
                        Ego – the Tree of the Cross and the Golden Legend:
                        the Origin of Christmas Plays (CS 26)]

                        The Tri-organic Social Organism
                        [also as: Towards Social Renewal – Basic Issues of the
                        Social Question (TS 6A) and other titles]

TS 11               Turning Points in Spiritual History
                        6 lectures, Berlin, 19 January, 16 February, 2-8
                        March, 14 December, 1911, 25 January, 1912
                        [part of the series: Metamorphoses of the Soul (MS 11J);
                        Paths of Experience (PS 10); Turning Points in Spiritual
                       History (TS 11)]
                       GA 60/61

TS 11A             Threefolding: A Social Alternative                                                            
                        Two lectures, Oxford, 28 & 29 August, 1922
                        Preface and translation by Rudolf Lissau
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1980
                        !SBN 0 85440 362 0
                        GA 305

Twelve Lectures for Doctors and Curative Teachers
                        [see: Curative Education – Twelve Lectures for
                        Doctors and Curative Teachers (CS 35)]

TS 12                A Theory of Knowledge (Implicit in Goethe’s                                                
                        World Conception/Based on Goethe’s World
                        Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York City, 1940,
                        Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York, 1968 &
                        Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1978
                        GA 2

TS 14K             Therapeutic Insights, Earthly and Cosmic Laws                                    
                        5 lectures, Dornach, 24 June – 3 July, 1921
                        Lecture 2 translated by May Laird Brown, the other 4
                        lectures by Alice Wulsin and Gerald Karnow
                        Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1984
                        ISBN 0 936132 66 3
                        GA 25

TS 14L              Three Lectures on the Mystery Drama                                                            
                        3 lectures, Basel, 17 September, 1910,
                        Berlin, 31 October, 1910, Berlin, 19 December, 1911
                        Translated by Ruth Pusch
                        The Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1986
                        ISBN 0 88010 060 5
                        GA 125, GA 127
TS 14M             Twelve Moods                                                                                                
                        Dornach, 29 August, 1915
                        Edited by M. Karnow, introduction by Ruth Pusch, a talk
                        by Rudolf Steiner translated by A. Wulsin and G. Karnow,
                        12 verses by Rudolf Steiner translated by R and H. Pusch
                        & 2 other poems by Steiner translated by V. Brett
                        Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1984
                        ISBN 0 936132 69 8

TS 15                Theosophy of the Rosicrucians                                                            
                        14 lectures, Munich, 22 May-6 June,
                        Translated by M. Cotterell and D.S. Osmond
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing company, London, 1954 & 1966

TS 16                Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind                                                
                        6 lectures, Dornach, 4-13 October, 1918
                        Revised translation by C. D.
                        Rudolf Steiner, Press, London, 1965
                        GA 184

TS 17               To the Members                                                                                    
                        Translation by E. Bowen Wedgwood
                        Philosophisch-Anthroposhischer Verlag, Am-Goetheanum/
                        Dornach, 1930

TS 19               True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation                                    
                        11 lectures, Torquay, 11-22 August, 1924
                        [the lecture of 19 August, 1924 also in: Nature
                        Spirits (NS 10)]
                        {also as: Initiate Consciousness)
                        Translated by H. Collison and introduction by Marie
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London, 1927&
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1969
                        ISBN 0 85440 203 9
                        GA 243

TS 20               The Threefold Sun and the Risen Christ 
                        1 lecture, London, 24 April, 1922
                        Translated by Francis E. Dawson
                        Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York City &
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London, 1942
TS 23               The Threefold Order of the Body Social                                                
                        21 essays with preface
                        Study Series lll
                        Translated by E. Bowen Wedgewood
                        Issued as Ms for Anthroposophical Society

TS 23A             The Threefold Social Order                                                                        
                        A newly revised translation of ‘The Threefold
                        Commonwealth’ by Frederick C. Heckel
                        Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York, 1966

TS 25               Three Lectures on the Curriculum of the Waldorf
                        6 September, 1919
                        Translated from German and first published by Michael
                        School Hall, 1975
                        Revised by Steiner Schools Fellowship
                        Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications, Michael Hall School,
                        East Sussex, 1991
                        GA 295

TS 27               Toward Imagination: Culture and the Individual                                    
                        7 lectures, Berlin, 6 June and 18 July, 1916
                        Translated by Sabine H. Seiler
                        Anthroposophic Press,  Inc., New York, 1990
                        ISBN  0 88010 284 5 (hbk)

                        The True Aspect of the Social Question
                        (see: The Threefold State – the True Aspect of the
                        Social Question (TS 6)]

TS 28               Truth-wrought Words – with other verses and                                    
                        prose passages
                        [refer: The Calendar of the Soul (CS 7A)]
                        [refer: Meditative Poetry of Rudolf Steiner (MS 29)]
                        [refer: Verse and Meditations (VS 1)]
                        Translated and foreword by Arvia MacKaye Ege
                        Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1970
                        ISBN 0 910142 82 3

TS 28A              Wahrspruchworte                                                                                    
                        Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender Wahrspruche
                        Und Widmungen Credo Der Einzelne Und Das All, 1975
                        Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Schweiz

TS 29               A Talk to Young People                                                                        
                        1 lecture, Arnhem, Holland, 20 July, 1924
                        Translated by Ruth Pusch,
                        Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1992
                        ISBN 0 929979 25 7
TS 30               The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ                                                            
                        2 lectures, Stockholm, 16 and 17 April, 1912
                        Translated by Norman Macbeth
                        Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York City &
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, 1942
                        GA 143

TS 31                Truth and Knowledge – Introduction to
                        ‘Philosophy of Spiritual Activity’
                        Translated Rita Stebbing and edited with notes by Paul M.
                        (also as: Truth and Science)
                        Steinerbooks, Blauvelt, New York, 1993
                        ISBN 0 89345 008 1
                        GA 3

TS 33               The Time-Sequence and Spiritual Foundation                                                
                        of Threefolding
                        2 lectures, Dornach, 23 and 29 March, 1919
                        Translated by Maria St. Goar,
                        Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1998
                        ISBN 0 929979 70 2


                        Understanding Young Children – Excerpts from
                        Lectures by Rudolf Steiner Compiled for the Use of
                        Kindergarten Teachers
                        (selected excerpts from lectures)

US 1                 Universe, Earth and Man – in their Relationship to the                        
                        Egyptian Myths and Modern Civilisation
                        11 lectures, Stuttgart, 4-11 August, 1908
                        Translated from unrevised shorthand report with
                        Introduction by Marie Steiner
                        (also as: Earth and Man)
                        [refer: Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery (AS 31)]
                        [refer: Supersensible Influences in the History of Mankind –
                        with Special Reference to Cult in Ancient Egypt and
                        Later Times (SS 21)]
                        H. Collison, 27 Clareville Grove, London, 1931 &
                        Rudolf Steiner Publishing company, London, 1941 &
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1987
                        ISBN 0 85440 606 9 (Pbk)
                        GA 105

US 2                 The Upper School – Supplementary Course to the
                        Teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart, June, 1921
                        8 lectures, Stuttgart, 12-19 June, 1921
                        Translation based on unrevised shorthand report
                        (also as: Education for Adolescents)
                        (also as: Supplementary Course – the Upper School)
                        [also as: Waldorf Education for Adolescence (WS 8M)]
                        College of Teachers, Michael Hall, Sussex, 1957
                         GA 302

US 3                The Universal Human – the Evolution of Individuality
                        4 lectures, Munich 4, 7 December, 1909
                        12 December, 1910, Berne, 9 January, 1916
                        [the 3 Munich lectures also as: The Ego – The God Within 
                        and the God of External Revelation (ES 4A)]
                        [the lecture of 12 December, 1910 also in: Background to the 
                        Gospel of St. Mark (BS 6)]

                        GA 117/124, GA 165

US 3A               The Universal Human                                                                                    
                        4 lectures, Munich, 4, 7 December, 1909; 12 December,
1910, Bern, 9 January, 1916
Revision of earlier translation by Gilbert Church and
edited online by Christopher Bamford and Sabine Seiler
Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York, 1990
                        ISBN 0 88010 289 6 (pbk)
                       GA 117/124, GA 165


VS 1                 Verses and Meditations                                                                        
                        with an introduction and notes by George Adams
                        [refer: The Calendar of the Soul (CS 7A)]
                        [refer: Meditative Poetry of Rudolf Steiner (MS 29)]
                        [refer: Truth-wrought Words (TS 28)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1972

VS 2                 The Vision of Christ’s Advent in the Etheric
                        (Esoteric Studies)
                        2 lectures
                        Lecture 1: The Event of the Appearance of Christ in
                        the Etheric World
                        Karlsruhe, 25 January, 1910
                        Lecture 2: The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
                        Stuttgart, 6 March, 1910
                        [also as: The True Nature of the Second Coming (TS 3)]
                        [also in: The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric (RS 6B)]
                        [see: Christmas – a Contemplation out of the Wisdom of Life
                        (Vitaesophia) (CS 5)]
                        GA 118

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