Sunday, 3 November 2013

Reference NS

NS  0             Newborn Might and Strength Everlasting –                                   
                        a Christmas Offering           
                        1 lecture, Berlin, 23 December, 1913
                        Prepared for this edition by Gilbert Church
                        The Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1977
                        GA 150

NS 1               Nature and the Origins of the Arts                                               
                        notes of a lecture, Berlin, 28 October, 1909
                        unrevised by author, edited by H. Collision
                        [also in:  Art as a Spiritual Activity – Rudolf
                        Steiner’s contribution to the Visual Arts (AS 36)]
                        Mercury Press, spring Valley, New York, 1992
                        ISBN 0-929979-25-5
                        GA 271

NS 2                New Aspects of the Social Question                                               
                        1 lecture, Berlin, 15 September, 1919
                        [also in: The Problems of Our Time (PS 7)]
                        Translation by permission of H. Collson
                        The Rudolf Steiner Company, London &
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York City, undated
                        GA 194

NS 3                The New Art of Education  
                        12 lectures and a farewell address, Ilkley,
                        5 – 17 August, 1923
                        Edited by H. Collison
                        [also in: Education and Modern Spiritual Life (ES 13A)]
                        [also in: A Modern Art of Education (MS 31)]
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London &
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1928
                        GA 307
                        A New Foundation for the Study of Human Nature
                        [see Anthroposophy (a fragment) – a New Foundation
                        For the Study of Human Nature (AS 33)]

NS 4                The Nature of Anthroposophy                                                            
Three lectures:
The Nature of Anthroposophy: Elberfield, 24 January,
The Mystery of the Human Being: Zurich, 9 October, 1916
 The Science of the Spirit and the Social Question:
an article published in ‘Lucifer-Gnosis’, 1905
                        [also in: Re-incarnation and Immortality (RS 1)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Publications Inc., Blauvelt, New York, 1964
                        GA 34

                        New Ideals in Education
                        2 lectures, Stratford-on-Avon, 19, 23 April, 1922
                        [in: Reports on the conferences on New Ideals in
                        Education, held at Stratford on Avon, from
                        August 3 -10, 1921 and April 17-24, 1922 (Cup?)]
                        [also in: Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy: l, (WS 12)]

                        The Nature of Christ the Resurrected
                        [see: Cosmic Ego and Human Ego – the Nature of
                        Christ Resurrected (CS 32A)]

                        The Nature of Speech Formation
                        (see: Creative Speech – the Nature of Speech
                        Formation CS 16A)]

NS 5               The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience                                   
                        of the Twentieth Century
                        7 lectures, Dornach,
                        17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 October, 1920
                        Translated by Paul King and edited by John Lees
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1988
                        ISBN  RSP 085440 656 5 (Pbk)
                       GA 200

NS 6                Nine Lectures on Bees                                                                       
                        9 lectures, Dornach,3  February, 26, 28 November,
                        1, 5, 10, 12, 15, 22 December, 1923
                        Translated by Marna Pease and Carl Alexander Mier
                        (also as: Beekeeping)
                        [also as: Bees (BS 10)]
                        St. George Publications, Spring valley, New York, 1964
                        GA 348

NS 7               Nutrition and Stimulants                                                                      
                        extracts from lectures to workmen:
                        5,9 August, 13, 16 September, 1922
                        8, 13 January, 3 February, 5 May (GA 324), 18 July (GA 350), 22 September
                        (GA 350), 26 November (GA 351), 5, 10 December (GA 351), 1923
                        23 January (GA 352), 16, 29 ((GA 352) February, 31 July (GA 354), 2 August,
                        20 , 24 (GA 354) September, 1924
                        from other lectures to members:
                        22 October, 1906, 17 December, 1908, 8 January, 1909,
                        1 January, 1912, 20, 21 March, 1913, 22 March,
                        10 November, 30 December, 1923, 16 June, 1924
                        from lectures on education:
                        1907 (From the Education of the Child)
                        22, 29 August, 5 September, 1919, 6 January, 1922
                        23 July, 1924
                        from medical writings:
                        8 April, 1920, 31 December, 1923
                        1925 (from: Fundamentals of Therapy)
                        from a lecture to the Theosophical Society:
                        4 November, 1905
                        Lectures and extracts compiled and translated by
                        K. Castelliz and B. Saunders-Davies
                        Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Inc., Kimberton, PA,
                        USA, 1991
                        ISBN 0-938250-29-9
NS 8               Necessity and Freedom                                                                       
                        5 lectures, Berlin, 25, 27, 30 January, 1, 8 February, 1916
                        Translated by Pauline Wehrle
                        Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, New York &
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1988
                        ISBN 0-88010-259-4 (cloth, AP) &
                        ISBN 0-88010-260-8 (pbk)
                         GA 166

                        The Need for Understanding the Christ
                        [see: The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming
                        of  Destiny: the Need for Understanding the Christ (WS 8)]

NS  9              The Nine Training Sketches for the Painter                                   
                        (Nature’s Moods) by Rudolf Steiner
                        Text by Hilda Boos-Hamburger
                        Translated by Dr. E. Frommer
                        Edited by John Fletcher
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1982

                        Novalis as a Seer
                        [see: The Christian Mystery – Novalis as Seer (CS 34)]

NS 10             Nature Spirits                                                                                    
                        12 lectures
                        Berlin, 16 May, 4 June, 1908
                        [also in: The Influence of spiritual Beings upon Man (IS 6)]
                        Dusselforf, 12 April, 1909
                        [also in: The Spiritual Hierarchies and their Reflection
                        in the Spiritual World (SS 29) & in: The spiritual
                        Heirarchies and the Physical World – Reality and
                        Illusion (SS 29A)
                        Helsinki, 3, 4 April, 1912
                        [also in: The spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies
                        and in the Kingdoms of Nature (ss27/27B)]
                        Munich, 26 August, 1913
                        [also in: Secrets of the Threshold (SS 30/30A)]
                        Dornach, 6 October, 1922
                        [also in: The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (FS 25)]
                        Dornach, 28 May, 1922
                        [also in: The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution
                        (HS A)]
                        Dornach, 16 December, 1922
                        also in: Man and the World of the Stars; The Spiritual
                        Communion of Mankind (MS 18)]
                        Dornach, 2, 3 November, 1923
                        [also in: Man as a symphony of the Creative word (MS 24)]
                        Torquay, 19 August, 1924
                        [also in: True and False Paths of Spiritual Investigation
                        (TS 19)
                        Compiled and edited by Wolf-Ulrich Klunker
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1995
                        ISBN 1-85584-018-9
NS 11             Nutrition and Health                                                                                 
                        Two lectures to workmen
                        2 lectures, Dornach, 31 July, 2 August, 1924
                        Translated by Gladys Hahn
                        [also in: The Evolution of the Earth and Man – and
                        the Influence of the Stars (ES 22)]
                        [extracts only, also in: Nutrition and Stimulants (NS 7)]
                        Antnroposophic Press, Hudson, New York &
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1987
                        ISBN 0-88010-182-2 (AP)
                        GA 354

NS 12             Nature’s Open Secret – Introductions to                                               
                        Goethe’s Scientific Writings
                        Translated by John Barnes and Mado Spiegler
                        with an Essay on Participatory Science by John Barnes
                        [also as: Goethe the Scientist (GS 9), and as:
                        Goethean Science (GS 9A)]
                        Anthroposophic Press, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 2000
                        ISBN 0-88010-393-0 (hardcover)

NS 13             Notebooks of Rudolf Steiner                                                           
                        Sketches and Art Examples on Many Subjects
NS 20              Nature and Our Ideals 
                         An essay by Rudolf Steiner and
                         ‘Nature’ a poem by Marie Eugenie delle Grazie
                        Article and poem (1880)
                        Translated by Margaret Duessen
                        Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1983
                        ISBN 0-936132-62-0            

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