Sunday, 3 November 2013

Reference OS

         Observation, Experiment, Mathematics
                        [see: Anthroposophy and Science – Observation,
                        Experiment, Mathematics (AS 3)]

                        Observation for Teachers
                        [see: The Genius of Language – Observations
                        for Teachers (GS 8)]

                        An Occasion for Self-recollection
                        {see: Anthroposophic Movement – its History
                        and Life Conditions in Relation to the
                        Anthroposophical Society. An Occasion for
                        Self-recollection (AS 7)]

OS 1               The Occult Significance of Blood                                               
                        1 lecture, Berlin, 25 October, 1906
                        Translated from unrevised shorthand report
                         (also as: Blood is a special fluid)
                        [also in: Supersensible Knowledge (SS 34)]
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1967
                        GA 55

OS 2               Overcoming Nervousness                                                           
                        1 lecture, Munich, 11 January, 1912
                        Translated by R. M. Querido and Gilbert Church
                        The Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1969
                         GA 143

OS 3               Occult Science and Occult Development
                        (Initiation); at the time of Golgotha and Christ
                        in the Twentieth Century
                        2 lectures, London, 1, 2 May, 1913
                        [the lecture, 1 May, 1913 also as: Occult Science
                        and Occult Development (Initiation) (OS 4) & in:
                        Self-transformation (SS 39)]
                        [refer: Christ in the Twentieth Century (CS 4)]
                         Rudlof Steiner Publishing company, London/Anthroposophic
                         Press, New York. 1924.
                         Revised Translation by D. S. Osmond, Rudolf Steiner Press, 
                         London, 1966 & 1983
                         ISBN 85440 413 9
                         GA 152

                        Occult Seals and Columns
                        October, 1907, with a folder of 14 illustrations
                        Published London, 1924 by Baron Arild Rosenkrantz
                        [also, essentially, in: Art Inspired by Steiner (?)]
                        [refer: Bilder Okkulter Siegel und Saulen (GA 284)]

                        On the Bhagavad Gita
                        2 lecture series:
                        The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul &
                        the Occult Foundations of the Bhagavad
                        Inrtoduction by Heimo Rau
                        Shakuntala Publishing house, Bombay
                        [the 2 series, separately, under these titles
                        (BS 7) & (OS 8)]
OS 5               On the Meaning of Life                                                                     
                        2 lectures, Copenhagen, 23, 24 May, 1912
                        [also in: The Meaning of Life – and Other
                        Fundamental Issues (MS 32)]
                        Authorised translation
                        Anthroposophical Publlshing Company, London &
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1928
                        GA 155

                        On the Reality of Higher Worlds
                        1 lecture, Christiana, 23 November, 1921
                        (also in: Self-consciousness: the Spiritual Human Being
                        (SS 20A)]
                         GA 79

OS  5A            Occult signs and Symbols                                                                       
                        4 lectures, Stuttgart, 13 – 16 September, 1907
                        Translated by Sarah Kurland, emended by Gilbert Church
                        Anthroposophic Press Inc., New York, 1972
                        GA 101

OS 6A             Oswald Spengler: Prophet of World Chaos                                 
                        2 lectures, Dornach, 2 July, 1920, 6, 9 August, 1922 &
                        4 articles, Dornach, 13 August – 3 September, 1922
                        Authorised translation
                        Anthroposophic Press Inc., New York, 1949
                        GA 214

                        Our Relationship to the Earth
                        [see: The Human Being in Body, Soul and Spirit – Our
                        Relationship to the Earth (HS 7)]
                        Outline of an Epistemology Implicit in the Goethean           
                        World View, with Particular Reference to Schiller
                        [see: The Science of Knowing – Outline of
                        Epistemology Implicit in the Goethean World View,
                        with Particular Reference to Schiller (SS 43)]

OS 7               An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research                       
                        abridged report of 2 lecture, London, 28, 29 August,
                        Authorised translation
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1926
                        GA 319

OS 7A            An Occult Reading and an Occult Hearing                                  
                        4 Lectures, Dornach, 3 – 6 October, 1914
                        Translated by D. S. Osmond,
                        Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1975
                         ISBN 0 85440 286 1
                         GS 156

                        Opening Lectures at the Foundation Meeting
                        of the General Anthroposophical Society Dornach,
                        24 December, 1924
                        (also in: The Christmas Conference for the Foundation
                        of the General Anthroposophical Society 1923 – 1924;
                        the Laying of the foundation Stone, Lectures and
                        Addresses, Discussions of the Statutes (CS 32)]

                        The Occult Foundations of the Bhagavad Gita
                        (see: On the Bhagavad Gita)
                        GA 146

OS 8               The Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita
                        9 lectures, Helsingfors, 25  May– 5 June, 1913
                        (also in: On the Bhagavad Gita)
                        [refer: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul
                        (BS 7)]
                        Translated by George and Mary Adams, emended D. Bugbey
                         Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1984
                         ISBN 0 88010 081 5 (pbk)
                         GA 146

OS 9               Occult Research into Life Between Death and                                   
                        a New Birth           
                        2 lectures, Stuttgart, 17, 20 February, 1913
                       Translated by Ruth Hofrichter
                        Anthroposophic Press Inc., New York, 1949
                        GA 140            

                        The Origin of the Christmas Plays
                        [see: The Christmas thought and the Mystery of the
                        Ego – the Tree and the Cross and the Golden Legend,
                        the Origin of Christmas Plays (CS 26)]

OS 9A            The Origin of Suffering, the Origin of Evil,                                   
                        Illness and Death
                        3 lectures, Berlin, 8, 22 November, 13 December, 1906
                        Translated from unrevised shorthand reports by
                        M. Cotterell and V.E. Watkin
                        [also in: Supersensible Knowledge (SS 34)]
                        Steiner book Centre, North Vancouver Canada, 1980
                        ISBN 0 919924 12 3
                        GA 55

OS 10              Occult History: Historical Personalities and Events                       
                        in the Light of Spiritual Science
                        6 lectures, Stuttgart, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 December, 1910
                        1 January, 1911
                        [refer: World History in the Light of Anthroposophy – and as
                        Foundation for Knowledge of the human spirit (WS 9)]
                        Translation by D.S. Osmond and Charles Davey
                        Anthroposophical Publishing Company, London, 1957
                         GA 126

OS 11              An Occult Physiology                                                                       
                          8 lectures, Prague, 20 – 25, 27, 28 March, 1911
                          Authorised translation from shorthand report
                          Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1983
                          ISBN 85440 411 2
                          GA 128

Os 11A            The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century                                   
                          and its Relation to Modern Culture
                         10 lectures, Dornach, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23,
                         24, 25 October, 1915
                         Translated by D. S. Osmond
                         Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1973
                         ISBN 0 85440 280 2
                         GA 254

OS 12               Occult Science – An Outline                                                          
                          Translated by Maud and Henry Monges
                          [also as:  An Outline of Esoteric Science (0S 12 A)]
                          Anthroposophic Press, New York City, 1950 and
                         1972 (revised by Lisa Monges)
                          GA 13

                          The Origin of Evil
                          [see: The Origin of Suffering, the Origin of Evil,
                          Illness and Death (OS 9A)]
                          GA 55

OS 12A            An Outline of Esoteric Science                                                           
                        Translated by Catherine E. Creeger
                        Introduced by Clopper Almon
                        Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1997
                        [also as: Occult Science – An Outline (OS 12)]
                        [also as: An Outline of Occult Science)
                        ISBN 0 88010 409 0 (pbk)
                        GA 13

                        An Outline of Occult Science
                        [also as: Occult Science – an Outline (OS 12)]
                        [also as: A Outline of Esoteric Science (OS 12A)]
                        Theosophical Publishing company, London &
                        Rand McNally, New York and Chicago, 1914
                        GA 13

OS 13             On the Life of the Soul                                                                       
                        4 short essays, October and November, 1923
                        Translated by Samuel Borton and edited by Alan Howard
                         and Gisela O'Nei
                         Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1985
                         ISBN 0 88010 076 1
                         GA 36
OS 14              The Original of Natural Science                                                           
                        9 lectures, Dornach, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 December,
                        1, 2, 3, 6 January, 1923
                        Translated by Maria St. Goar
                        [refer:  The Boundaries of Natural Science (BS 6C)]
                        Anthroposophic Press, spring Valley, New York & Rudolf
                        Steiner Press, London, 1985
                        ISBN 0 88010 140 5 (hbk)
                        GA 327
OS 15              Old and New Methods of Initiation                                                           
                         14 lectures, Dornach, 1, 7, 8 January,
                         Mannheim, 19 January, Breslau, 1 February,
                         Dornach, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 February,
                        19 March, 1922
                         Translated by Johanna Collis
                         Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1991
                         ISBN 0 85440 446 2 (hbk)
                         GA 210

OS 16               Original Impulses for the Science of the Spirit
                          20 lectures, Berlin, 29 January - 12 June, 1907
                          Translated by A.R. Meuss
                          Completion Press, Lower Beechmont, Australia, 2001
                          ISBN 0 9578189 1 2
                          GA 96

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